Green Left Clicks Over 700 Issues
Aussie socialist paper, Green Left Weekly has just clocked up its 700th issue since its founding in 1990. Run by the Marxist-Leninists of the Democratic Socialist Perspective, GLW is highly regarded on the international far left.
Several NZers have been involved with GLW over the years; including the late political commentator Bruce Jesson, Alliance/Green MP Keith Locke, journalism teacher David Robie, medical unionist Ian Powell and Green Party co-leader, Russel Norman.

The messages below give some idea of GLW's international support. Note the messages from three NZ activists.
700 issues: International messages to GLW
Carolus Wimmer, Venezuelan Communist Party
Choo Chon Kai, International Bureau, Socialist Party of Malaysia, PSM
Mike Sambo, National coordinator, International Socialist Organisation, Zimbabwe,
Briggs Bomba, International Socialist Organisation, Zimbabwe,
Dale T. McKinley Anti-Privatisation Forum, South Africa ex South African communist Party
Scottish Socialist Voice editorial team
John Riddell & Roger Annis, Co-editors Socialist Voice, Canada
Barry Sheppard US Marxist
Dipankar Bhattacharya, Editor-in-chief, Liberation, Central monthly organ of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist)
B.Sivaraman, Editorial board Liberation, Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist)
Charles-Andre Udry, Movement for Socialism, Switzerland
Farooq Tariq, General secretary, Labour Party Pakistan
Alda Sousa, Revolutionary Socialist Political Association, Portugual
Maire Leadbeater, Auckland Indonesia Human Rights Committee, sister of Keith Locke
Congratulations on reaching the important milestone of 700 issues. It is a most significant achievement to have maintained a weekly schedule at a consistently high standard for so long. Green Left has a dedicated readership in New Zealand. Personally I rely on Green Left archives as an invaluable resource for analysis and information on issues related to West Papua, Timor-Leste and Indonesia. I appreciate that many reports are based on firsthand evidence from activists on the ground or from people like Max Lane whose depth of experience and expertise is amazing
Joe Miller, Member and national coordinator, Vietnam Veterans Against the War Inc., USA
Mike Treen, National director, Unite Union, New Zealand,
“Green Left has been a vital source of news and analysis for me for many years. Long may it continue.”
Marxism Mailing List
Paul Piesse, Foreign affairs & industrial relations spokesperson, Alliance, New Zealand
“The (socialist) Alliance Party in New Zealand sends its warmest greetings and congratulations to Green Left Weekly on the occasion of its 700th issue. GLW is an important source of information for us on matters Australian and International — especially on issues in the various Polynesian and Melanesian countries and the unfolding socialist revolutions in Latin America.
“So many of our comrades log on to GLW regularly for their “fix” of the real news. Our sincere thanks to the comrades who write for it and who are involved in all the other tasks essential for its production.”
Malik Miah, Socialist and union activist, USA
Phil Stuart Cournoyer, Managua, Nicaragua
Abul Hossain, President, United Labour Federation, Bangladesh
Sonny Melencio, Coordinating Council, Laban ng Masa, Philippines
Several NZers have been involved with GLW over the years; including the late political commentator Bruce Jesson, Alliance/Green MP Keith Locke, journalism teacher David Robie, medical unionist Ian Powell and Green Party co-leader, Russel Norman.

The messages below give some idea of GLW's international support. Note the messages from three NZ activists.
700 issues: International messages to GLW
Carolus Wimmer, Venezuelan Communist Party
Choo Chon Kai, International Bureau, Socialist Party of Malaysia, PSM
Mike Sambo, National coordinator, International Socialist Organisation, Zimbabwe,
Briggs Bomba, International Socialist Organisation, Zimbabwe,
Dale T. McKinley Anti-Privatisation Forum, South Africa ex South African communist Party
Scottish Socialist Voice editorial team
John Riddell & Roger Annis, Co-editors Socialist Voice, Canada
Barry Sheppard US Marxist
Dipankar Bhattacharya, Editor-in-chief, Liberation, Central monthly organ of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist)
B.Sivaraman, Editorial board Liberation, Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist)
Charles-Andre Udry, Movement for Socialism, Switzerland
Farooq Tariq, General secretary, Labour Party Pakistan
Alda Sousa, Revolutionary Socialist Political Association, Portugual
Maire Leadbeater, Auckland Indonesia Human Rights Committee, sister of Keith Locke
Congratulations on reaching the important milestone of 700 issues. It is a most significant achievement to have maintained a weekly schedule at a consistently high standard for so long. Green Left has a dedicated readership in New Zealand. Personally I rely on Green Left archives as an invaluable resource for analysis and information on issues related to West Papua, Timor-Leste and Indonesia. I appreciate that many reports are based on firsthand evidence from activists on the ground or from people like Max Lane whose depth of experience and expertise is amazing
Joe Miller, Member and national coordinator, Vietnam Veterans Against the War Inc., USA
Mike Treen, National director, Unite Union, New Zealand,
“Green Left has been a vital source of news and analysis for me for many years. Long may it continue.”
Marxism Mailing List
Paul Piesse, Foreign affairs & industrial relations spokesperson, Alliance, New Zealand
“The (socialist) Alliance Party in New Zealand sends its warmest greetings and congratulations to Green Left Weekly on the occasion of its 700th issue. GLW is an important source of information for us on matters Australian and International — especially on issues in the various Polynesian and Melanesian countries and the unfolding socialist revolutions in Latin America.
“So many of our comrades log on to GLW regularly for their “fix” of the real news. Our sincere thanks to the comrades who write for it and who are involved in all the other tasks essential for its production.”
Malik Miah, Socialist and union activist, USA
Phil Stuart Cournoyer, Managua, Nicaragua
Abul Hossain, President, United Labour Federation, Bangladesh
Sonny Melencio, Coordinating Council, Laban ng Masa, Philippines
Seven hundred issues - to finish up being reviewed on this paranoic nut bar blog.
Seems hardly worth the effort.
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