Philippines Communists On a Revolutionary Roll
The Maoists of the Communist Party of the Philippines and their military wing, the New Peoples Army are growing ever more confident of victory in their decades old war.
They clearly see themselves as part of the international revolutionary movement and are keen students of world power politics.
They see the balance tipping their way, as revolutions in Latin America and Asia gather steam and their old allies, Russia and China start to flex their muscles.
Some extracts from CPP/NPA statement posted on Philippines Revolution Central
Why the New People's Army is invincible and victorious and how the people's war can rise to a new and higher level
Central Committee
Communist Party of the Philippines
March 29, 2007

On the occasion of the 38th anniversary of the founding of the New People's Army (NPA), we the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) salute the Red commanders and fighters of the New People's Army (NPA) for their firm commitment, hard work, sacrifices and achievements in the revolutionary struggle. We accord the highest honors to the revolutionary martyrs and to all comrades who have dedicated their entire lives to the revolutionary cause of serving the Filipino people.
We joyously celebrate the accumulated victories of the NPA since its founding on March 29, 1969. We are happy about the victories of the NPA from year to year against the all-out war policy of the US-directed Arroyo regime...And yet the highest officials of the Arroyo regime and those of the military and police forces keep on boasting that they can either destroy or reduce the NPA to inconsequentiality before Arroyo leaves office in 2010.
In response to the cowardly assaults and braggadocio of the enemy, let us state why the NPA is invincible and victorious in the context of the objective conditions and the development of the subjective forces of the revolution. Then we proceed to identify the vulnerabilities and weak points of the ruling system and show how to concentrate our political and military offensives against these in order to further weaken, isolate and destroy the enemy and raise the people's war to a new and higher level.
It is an incontrovertible fact of history that the NPA has grown from 60 Red fighters with only nine automatic rifles and some 26 inferior firearms in the second district of Tarlac province in 1969 to so many thousands of men and women with automatic rifles and other high-powered weapons spread throughout the country. These are equivalent to a few divisions and regiments, tens of battalions, scores of companies, a few hundreds of platoons or many hundreds of squads nationwide. They are deployed in more than 120 guerrilla fronts covering significant portions of 70 provinces, 800 towns or 10,000 of the more than 40,000 barrios of the Philippines.
The US has undermined itself as well as its allies by overreaching in the Middle East and Central Asia. Right within these regions, resistance to the US and its allies is expanding and intensifying. The people of Palestine and Lebanon have heroically resisted the combination of US imperialism and Israeli Zionism. China, Russia and other neighboring countries have also spearheaded the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation for the purpose of economic cooperation and collective security outside of US control.
In South Asia, there is a rising wave of people's wars, especially in India. Particularly in Nepal, the Maoist party is leading the people and striving to install a democratic republic as the fruit of people's war.
In Latin America, the anti-imperialist currents are running strong among the people. The governments of Cuba, Venezuela and Bolivia are riding on these currents. They are defying the impositions of the US. They are trying to advance the nationalization of the economy and expand employment and social services. Meanwhile, certain parties and organizations are preparing to wage revolutionary armed struggle.
In Africa, the people continue to suffer from severe economic and political crisis and are struggling hard to fight imperialism and neocolonialism. There is social unrest and political turmoil in several African countries. Such conditions are conducive to the emergence and growth of revolutionary forces. China and Russia are taking diplomatic initiatives in this continent while the US is overconcentrated in Iraq.
We are confident that the struggle of the proletariat and people of the world for greater freedom, democracy, social justice and all-round progress will continue to expand and intensify against imperialism and reaction. The resurgence of the anti-imperialist and democratic struggles throughout the world is of great help to the strengthening and advance of the Philippine revolution. In turn the revolutionary victories of the Filipino people are contributory to the advance of the revolutionary struggles of the people of the world.
They clearly see themselves as part of the international revolutionary movement and are keen students of world power politics.
They see the balance tipping their way, as revolutions in Latin America and Asia gather steam and their old allies, Russia and China start to flex their muscles.
Some extracts from CPP/NPA statement posted on Philippines Revolution Central
Why the New People's Army is invincible and victorious and how the people's war can rise to a new and higher level
Central Committee
Communist Party of the Philippines
March 29, 2007

On the occasion of the 38th anniversary of the founding of the New People's Army (NPA), we the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) salute the Red commanders and fighters of the New People's Army (NPA) for their firm commitment, hard work, sacrifices and achievements in the revolutionary struggle. We accord the highest honors to the revolutionary martyrs and to all comrades who have dedicated their entire lives to the revolutionary cause of serving the Filipino people.
We joyously celebrate the accumulated victories of the NPA since its founding on March 29, 1969. We are happy about the victories of the NPA from year to year against the all-out war policy of the US-directed Arroyo regime...And yet the highest officials of the Arroyo regime and those of the military and police forces keep on boasting that they can either destroy or reduce the NPA to inconsequentiality before Arroyo leaves office in 2010.
In response to the cowardly assaults and braggadocio of the enemy, let us state why the NPA is invincible and victorious in the context of the objective conditions and the development of the subjective forces of the revolution. Then we proceed to identify the vulnerabilities and weak points of the ruling system and show how to concentrate our political and military offensives against these in order to further weaken, isolate and destroy the enemy and raise the people's war to a new and higher level.
It is an incontrovertible fact of history that the NPA has grown from 60 Red fighters with only nine automatic rifles and some 26 inferior firearms in the second district of Tarlac province in 1969 to so many thousands of men and women with automatic rifles and other high-powered weapons spread throughout the country. These are equivalent to a few divisions and regiments, tens of battalions, scores of companies, a few hundreds of platoons or many hundreds of squads nationwide. They are deployed in more than 120 guerrilla fronts covering significant portions of 70 provinces, 800 towns or 10,000 of the more than 40,000 barrios of the Philippines.
The US has undermined itself as well as its allies by overreaching in the Middle East and Central Asia. Right within these regions, resistance to the US and its allies is expanding and intensifying. The people of Palestine and Lebanon have heroically resisted the combination of US imperialism and Israeli Zionism. China, Russia and other neighboring countries have also spearheaded the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation for the purpose of economic cooperation and collective security outside of US control.
In South Asia, there is a rising wave of people's wars, especially in India. Particularly in Nepal, the Maoist party is leading the people and striving to install a democratic republic as the fruit of people's war.
In Latin America, the anti-imperialist currents are running strong among the people. The governments of Cuba, Venezuela and Bolivia are riding on these currents. They are defying the impositions of the US. They are trying to advance the nationalization of the economy and expand employment and social services. Meanwhile, certain parties and organizations are preparing to wage revolutionary armed struggle.
In Africa, the people continue to suffer from severe economic and political crisis and are struggling hard to fight imperialism and neocolonialism. There is social unrest and political turmoil in several African countries. Such conditions are conducive to the emergence and growth of revolutionary forces. China and Russia are taking diplomatic initiatives in this continent while the US is overconcentrated in Iraq.
We are confident that the struggle of the proletariat and people of the world for greater freedom, democracy, social justice and all-round progress will continue to expand and intensify against imperialism and reaction. The resurgence of the anti-imperialist and democratic struggles throughout the world is of great help to the strengthening and advance of the Philippine revolution. In turn the revolutionary victories of the Filipino people are contributory to the advance of the revolutionary struggles of the people of the world.
I bet these Phillipine Communists certainly have links to their fellow comrades in Nepal, India and Sri Lanka. Wouldn't surprise me to see where these folks get their arms from.
America is a good source of weapons for waging revolution. Also Israel is big into arms exports as is South Africa, not to forget the old eastern block countries. Did i mention China?
"America is a good source of weapons for waging revolution. Also Israel is big into arms exports as is South Africa, not to forget the old eastern block countries. Did i mention China?"
Please do not make up this bull. You constant dishonest jabbering of making America the "Great Satan" and Israel the "Little Satan" is nothing more than a typical exposure of which side you certainly support.
What about the PLO training these sort of groups such as the Tamil Tigers in Cuba controlled by the likes of Fidel Castro? Don't see you condemn that Dirk, but dishonestly attacking America and Israel at every turn is quite find.
I forgot to add the Russian mafia to my small but telling list. My mistake.
If I am not mistaken, the weapon shown in the photograph accompaning the article is an american M16 or similar.
For the record Mah. Nowhere in my comments have I ever used the terms "Great Satan and Little Satan." I suggests they are quips used by yourself so often the lines in your reasoning have become blurred. No offence.
Dirk, It's sorta hard to tell what sort of weapon is shown here.
I think it more looks like a modern version of a Russian RPK than anything else (The Banana magazine gives it away).
And if you are talking about weapons dealing, don't forget the French. In many ways they make the yanks look Gold-plated.
great to hear of US imperialism and its allies getting a biff! Go the Maoists!
Thanks for the update Trevor.
Ah the French. Foolish of me to forget them.
i suggest the banana magazine is an aftermarket extra readily available in the USA. If you ever get the opportunity to visit an american gun shop, do so.
They are an Aladins cave of death devices and pro American bigotry to boggle the mind.
Not that I'm against guns you understand. Had quite an arsenal over the years. The idea was to defend myself against the Red and yellow peril. Alas they didnt land on the beaches screaming quotations from Mao and Stalin, They arrived at the airport wearing business suits at the invitation of various Kiwi politicians.
The only shooting i do now involves the breeze and red lights.
"great to hear of US imperialism and its allies getting a biff! Go the Maoists!
Thanks for the update Trevor."
So you support Maoists murdering innocent civilians who have nothing to do with the government or anything else like that but then protest the Iraq war which was to ouster a brutal dictator? So here's a prime example of far left moral relativism.
"i suggest the banana magazine is an aftermarket extra readily available in the USA. If you ever get the opportunity to visit an american gun shop, do so.
They are an Aladins cave of death devices and pro American bigotry to boggle the mind."
And yet you tell me that you don't paint America to be the "Great Satan"? How about the Russian Mafia as I stated before arming the Tamil Tigers and other radical movements? The Italian Mafia doing a similar policy? Hows about those Iranian Qods Forces supporting Hezbollah, PLO, Hamas and other radical terror groups? Russian Spetsnaz forces anyone?
Talk about drawing a long bow Mah.
stupids! filipino communists get their weapons from ambushes, surprise raids versus the Armed forces of the Philippines-the military wing of the government of the republic of the philippines, the police and other para-military institutions and groupings of the state! these reactionary state's military actors in turn receive generous fundings, weapons and war equipments from the government of the US of A. Let me also interject that it is the armed forces of the Philippines and their fascist-terroristic hooligans that commit human rights violations against innocent civilians, children, families, members of the open, legal democratic left, civil libertarians and human rights workers. Because it is impossible for the US-backed Macapagal-Arroyo regime to curtail the ever-growing strenght of the CPP-NPA-NDF, they resort to coward acts of terrorism and fascism against the struggling filipino masses. extra-judicial killings in the philippines now number at 840+. a feat courtesy of the us-arroyo regime in its mere 6 years in power, surpassing even the criminal records of the 20+ year old marcos dictatorship which puts the whole Philippine nation (again!)
Please check your informations first before making any comments. those who do not have any material facts to back-up their pronouncements do not have any right to speak.
Than you.
Ivan Phell Enrile from the Philippines
stupids! filipino communists get their weapons from ambushes, surprise raids versus the Armed forces of the Philippines-the military wing of the government of the republic of the philippines, the police and other para-military institutions and groupings of the state! these reactionary state's military actors in turn receive generous fundings, weapons and war equipments from the government of the US of A. Let me also interject that it is the armed forces of the Philippines and their fascist-terroristic hooligans that commit human rights violations against innocent civilians, children, families, members of the open, legal democratic left, civil libertarians and human rights workers. Because it is impossible for the US-backed Macapagal-Arroyo regime to curtail the ever-growing strenght of the CPP-NPA-NDF, they resort to coward acts of terrorism and fascism against the struggling filipino masses. extra-judicial killings in the philippines now number at 840+. a feat courtesy of the us-arroyo regime in its mere 6 years in power, surpassing even the criminal records of the 20+ year old marcos dictatorship which puts the whole Philippine nation (again!)
Please check your informations first before making any comments. those who do not have any material facts to back-up their pronouncements do not have any right to speak.
Than you.
Ivan Phell Enrile from the Philippines
stupids! filipino communists get their weapons from ambushes, surprise raids versus the Armed forces of the Philippines-the military wing of the government of the republic of the philippines, the police and other para-military institutions and groupings of the state! these reactionary state's military actors in turn receive generous fundings, weapons and war equipments from the government of the US of A. Let me also interject that it is the armed forces of the Philippines and their fascist-terroristic hooligans that commit human rights violations against innocent civilians, children, families, members of the open, legal democratic left, civil libertarians and human rights workers. Because it is impossible for the US-backed Macapagal-Arroyo regime to curtail the ever-growing strenght of the CPP-NPA-NDF, they resort to coward acts of terrorism and fascism against the struggling filipino masses. extra-judicial killings in the philippines now number at 840+. a feat courtesy of the us-arroyo regime in its mere 6 years in power, surpassing even the criminal records of the 20+ year old marcos dictatorship which puts the whole Philippine nation to shame in the international community (again!)
Please check your informations first before making any comments. those who do not have any material facts to back-up their pronouncements do not have any right to speak.
Than you.
Ivan Phell Enrile from the Philippines
What exactly is your point anon?
Lets not forget. A photograph of armed people taking a stroll down a jungle path can be anybody, in any jungle.
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