"Urewera 17" Arrestee Supports Lakota "Freedom" Movement
Smush (short for smush capitalism)- is a member of the Aotearoa Indymedia editorial collective.
He is a Swiss national and an anarchist activist. He was arrested in the October 15th anti terror raids and is alleged to have attended "Quasi-military" training camps in the Ureweras. He still faces firearms charges.
Smush has name suppression.
Apparently he supports not just Tuhoe "liberation" but also the Lakota "freedom" movement.
Yesterday smush posted this on Indymedia
Lakota Freedom: Treaty Withdrawal For Elders and Children
Sovereignty Action Sparks World Discussion, Disagreement, Inspiration

Lakota - What began as sparsely attended press conference announcing Lakota sovereignty has grown into an international roar of freedom inspiring people on every continent and sparking excitement and discussion in homes, tribal councils, schools, and on internet blogs and message boards. Across Indian Country in particular, the impact of the sovereign action is creating both inspiration and concern as the reality of freedom sinks in.
Throughout our history and through the enforcement of the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934, Congress said they would oversee the provisions of 1868 (Fort Laramie Treaty), but they failed to do so. Some minor provisions were kept, but overall the treaty was not honored. Because if the treaty was honored, we would not have this colonial catastrophe of alcoholism, drug abuse and poverty and we wouldn't have the overall high incarceration rate of the male and female in the prison populations. This leads to our children being taking away by Social Services which puts our children out of balance from learning the traditional lifeway.
When the children can reconnect with who they are, they come back to the process of knowing what is Lakota in the true point of view. In this true point of view Lakota is about being free and left alone, so we can govern and save our own with the teachings of the Animal Nations.
We are the freedom loving Lakota from the Sioux Indian reservations of Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Montana who have withdrawn from the constitutionally mandated treaties to become a free and independent country. We are alerting the Family of Nations we have now reassumed our freedom and independence with the backing of Natural, International, and United States law. For more information, please visit our new website at www.lakotafreedom.com.
Apparently smush's time in jail has not dimmed his enthusiasm for indigenous revolution.
He is a Swiss national and an anarchist activist. He was arrested in the October 15th anti terror raids and is alleged to have attended "Quasi-military" training camps in the Ureweras. He still faces firearms charges.
Smush has name suppression.
Apparently he supports not just Tuhoe "liberation" but also the Lakota "freedom" movement.
Yesterday smush posted this on Indymedia
Lakota Freedom: Treaty Withdrawal For Elders and Children
Sovereignty Action Sparks World Discussion, Disagreement, Inspiration

Lakota - What began as sparsely attended press conference announcing Lakota sovereignty has grown into an international roar of freedom inspiring people on every continent and sparking excitement and discussion in homes, tribal councils, schools, and on internet blogs and message boards. Across Indian Country in particular, the impact of the sovereign action is creating both inspiration and concern as the reality of freedom sinks in.
Throughout our history and through the enforcement of the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934, Congress said they would oversee the provisions of 1868 (Fort Laramie Treaty), but they failed to do so. Some minor provisions were kept, but overall the treaty was not honored. Because if the treaty was honored, we would not have this colonial catastrophe of alcoholism, drug abuse and poverty and we wouldn't have the overall high incarceration rate of the male and female in the prison populations. This leads to our children being taking away by Social Services which puts our children out of balance from learning the traditional lifeway.
When the children can reconnect with who they are, they come back to the process of knowing what is Lakota in the true point of view. In this true point of view Lakota is about being free and left alone, so we can govern and save our own with the teachings of the Animal Nations.
We are the freedom loving Lakota from the Sioux Indian reservations of Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Montana who have withdrawn from the constitutionally mandated treaties to become a free and independent country. We are alerting the Family of Nations we have now reassumed our freedom and independence with the backing of Natural, International, and United States law. For more information, please visit our new website at www.lakotafreedom.com.
Apparently smush's time in jail has not dimmed his enthusiasm for indigenous revolution.
The Lakota secession is getting very little media time in the US. It appears that Russell Means and the delegation of Lakota seperatists don't have any official standing. In other words it is a publicity stunt.
Thanks for that Reid.
Pretty much as I suspected.
I think Tame Iti and co are pretty much the same in Tuhoe-a bunch of disaffected stirrers trying to make themselves look a lot more influential than they actually are.
The problem is that these people, by using their international connections with the UN and other indigenous stirrers can do considerable damage to a country's reputation.
This may effect tourism and cause other economic damage.
Then there is the potential for "indigenous" violence which has occurred in the US, Canada, Mexico, Philippines etc and which we may have only narrowly averted here.
You do realise that the supression of name and applies to anything which could identify the arrestee, right? So something broad (eg Swiss National) is fine, but something as narrow as naming an alleged pseudonym, is not. I thought you respected the law, Trev?
Interesting Asher.
You yourself have written that both of your Indymedia co-editors were arrested in the October 15th raids.
As one was Omar Hamed, it doesn't take a genius to figure out who the other one was.
Those "in the know" enough to know who "smush" is, would probably also know who Indymedia's two jailed editors were.
Indymedia asking for observance of the law is a joke. Indymedia leaders have no respect for Western law and democratic traditions.
And Switzerland seems to be sending its problem people to us. First Zaoui, ripping his false documents before landing in NZ. The politician from the Algerian Islamicist faction (lovely people in this!) gets thrown out of Switzerland, Belgium, and France to find have in NZ. And now some anarchist stirrer, obiously with quite dangerous anti-democratic, revolutionary tendencies.
William Tell would have handled them within the Cantons!
Indymedia asking for observance of the law is a joke. Indymedia leaders have no respect for Western law and democratic traditions.
And Switzerland seems to be sending its problem people to us. First Zaoui, ripping his false documents before landing in NZ. The politician from the Algerian ultra-Islamist faction (lovely people in this!) gets thrown out of Switzerland, Belgium, and France to find haven in NZ. And now some anarchist stirrer, obviously with quite dangerous anti-democratic, revolutionary tendencies, washes up in NZ.
William Tell would have handled them within the Cantons!
Trevor - Unlike you, I don't make any claims whatsoever to respect the laws of the New Zealand state.
That is beside the point, however, as I never said that the two other editors of Indy were arrested, as that would be false - I said two of the three most active editors. There are currently well over a half dozen editors of Indymedia (8 listed on the site, on a list which isn't up to date, there are more than that), so it would not therefore be, as you claim, obvious.
True Asher, but i doubt if anyone familiar with smush would have not realised who you were referring to.
The fact that you're concerned about it proves I was correct.
Trev, as you well know, the name supression doesn't exist to stop the arrestee's friends from knowing who he is. It exists to prevent that knowledge from becoming public knowledge, for reasons which are also supressed so I won't go into them there.
I note that you continue to make no comment on why you are breaking the law (and therefore presumably your own beliefs), as you did when Sam B commented on you doing the same earlier...
Asher telling anybody to observe the law is hilarius. Get over it.
I don't know or care who this Smush person is, neither does most of NZers. He sounds like a nutter with delusional ideals... a bit like you Asher.
Asher-I doubt my identifying the Swiss national arrested on October 15th as "smush" has enlightened anyone beyond his/her's circle of associates as to his/her's true identity.
But if it has, why don't you, Sam, or even "smush" lay a complaint?
With a little help from google i was now able to identify who the swiss national is thanks to Trevs intel, thanks trev.
Trev I've seen you argue time and time again that the only excuse for breaking the law is when a person or animal is in serious danger of being hurt.
Can you please provide a full explanation as to why you have repeatedly broken suppression laws?
"Apparently smush's time in jail has not dimmed his enthusiasm for indigenous revolution."
just drop the apparently.
Truth is that Trev for his dullness would like to fancy himself as some sort of political martyr but, due respects Trev, the fulla don't actually have the balls to carry through.
His "naming" number sort of tallied with his indulgent sense of himself as a fearless ACT lion but he didn't really mean to do it. Just got over excited.
So yes, his Christmas has probably been a bit harrowed, worrying about what will happen when Dave Collins gets back to his desk.
Well ne'er mind - those are the breaks for the wonderful people !
Trevor - I challenge you - go to Tuhoe and tell them that Tame Iti is nothing more than a disaffected stirrer.
C'mon Man - show your balls !
Or are you just a mouth - a wahanui with all your fat plans for the world ?
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