Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Small Minority Forces Big Backdown

The French government has backed away from planned labour law reform that would have made hiring and firing young workers more flexible.

Despite the legislation being passed, the French government, in a huge backdown, has promised to can the reforms after weeks of protests and demonstrations.

According the Radio NZ this morning, the unions and students organisations leading the protests represent less than 10% of French workers and less than 1% of French students respectively.

Goes to show that a small group of committed socialists can cause huge damage to the mightiest of nations.


  1. Anonymous9:31 PM

    According the Radio NZ this morning, the unions and students organisations leading the protests represent less than 10% of French workers and less than 1% of French students respectively.
    Goes to show that a small group of committed socialists can cause huge damage to the mightiest of nations.

    You are assuming that everyone who is against the reforms is a protestor. You must be incredibly naive.

  2. Anon, if you think this wasn't a good law then you're the incredibly naive one here.
    It was designed to let employers take a chance on people who, with youth unemployment at 22%, won't have a chance in hell of finding a job. This especially applies to the areas where there is a high immigrant population (jobless figures are around 50% here).

    Leadership is supposed to be courageous and show the way. As usual the French surrendered nice and early.

  3. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Faced with a small amount of resistance the French government promptly surrendered.

    No suprises there Trev.

  4. Where is the French Thatcher?

  5. Anonymous5:55 PM

    “Anon, if you think this wasn't a good law then you're the incredibly naive one here.”

    Assuming that I didn’t think the law was good, how would it imply that I’m naive? If it did imply naivety, how would my naivety exclude Trev from being naïve?
