The trustees of the Kotare School are an interesting mix of "former" communists, socialist academics, "community workers" and the radical religious.
Here is a list of the trustees from 1995 and 2005, together with short profiles.
December 1995
Tim Howard (Chairman) In the '90s Howard was a leader of the East Timor Independence Committee and the People's Network and is currently very active in the Philippines Solidarity Network Aotearoa. In 2001 he was active in the Whangarei Coalition For Peace and was on the advisory board of ARENA, a Christchurch based, Maoist leaning activist group. In 2003 he helped organise a NZ tour by Philippines KMU trade unionist E Dapulang. The KMU is widely regarded as a front for the Communist Party of the Philippines. In 2005 Howard participated in a "Human Rights" delegation to the Philippines. He was also active in Network Waitangi Whangarei and works for the Northland Urban Rural Mission who's stated aim is to create society based on the Treaty of Waitangi. It strives to achieve this by working with community groups, churches, and individuals to respond to social and economic issues."
John Benseman In 1998 Benseman wrote an impact assessment of Paolo Freire on New Zealand adult iteracy for the New Zealand Journal of Adult Learning. In 1999, he presented a paper "Kotare: Building a Radical Alternative in New Zealand Adult Education" at the Australian Adult Learning Association "Crossing Thresholds" Conference at the University of Melbourne. In 2002 Benseman was a Senior Lecturer in Education at Auckland University, co-editor of the New Zealand Journal of Adult Learning and Head of Adult Education, University of Auckland. He has also been a TEAC working group member.
Bill Bradford Husband of Sue. A supporter of the Workers Communist League, the Auckland People's Centre and the The Auckland Unemployed Worker's Rights Centre in the '90s. Active in the People's Network and the Commonwealth wide NGO, COMMACT.
Sue Bradford Formerly active in the Workers Communist League. See bios here, here, here, hereand here.
Karen Davis In 1988, Davis was a member of the March Against Unemployment Policy committee. Davis has been a long time associate of Sue Bradford in the Auckland Unemployed Workers Rights Centre and the Auckland People's Centre. She was active in the Peoples Network and has visited the Highlander School in Tennessee. She is the author of a How-to Guide - "Campaigning and Advocacy
Resources for Setting up and Running Community Organisations and Projects."
which "provides an introduction to the use of campaigns, advocacy and other democratic processes to advocate changes in or for communities".
Irene de Haan Active in the People's Network. According to a recent bio "de Haan began her career as a trainee in a generic social work team in Westerhaileson the outskirts of Edinburgh. After emigrating to New Zealand, Irene combined part-time study for a Masters of Social Work with managing Homebuilders Family Services. She has contributed to research projects on homelessness, the impact of income on family life and the role of the non-profit sector. She is now working part-time as a Senior Community Relations Advisor at the Families Commission while undertaking doctoral research on family resilience and continuing to assist Homebuilders with their practice research project."
Josie Dolan A Catholic Sister of Mercy from Dunedin. Active in the People's Network. In 2002 Dolan was described as "involved in women's worship, Restorative Justice, Network Waitangi, Budgetting Service and Projects of the Sisters of Mercy. Josie has a long standing interest in Womens issues, especially Eco-Feminism, Social Justice and community based activities. Works as Counselling Co-ordinator at the Presbyterian Support Cameron Centre."
Josie Lander In the late '80s, Lander was involved in the Auckland Catholic Church's Evangelisation, Justice and Developmentt' Bi-Cultural Development Core Group. Lander was active in the People's Network and has recently been working with John Benseman on tertiary education issues.
Noelene Landrigan A Sister of St Joseph, involved in the People's Network. She lives at the Kotare Trust while teaching in Wellsford
Katherine Peet A former president of the Canterbury Workers Educational Association. Active on "Treaty" issues with Network Waitangi. In 1992 Peet was spokesman for the Justice and Peace Service Unit of the Conference of Churches of Aotearoa. Recently she has been a TEAC working group member. Peet has worked with the Adult Community Education Association and the Federation of Workers Educational Associations. She is the current Chairperson of the NZ Council of Social Services.
Tim Howard (Chairman)
Sue Bradford (Deputy Chairman)
Karen Davis (Treasurer)
Kate Abel Active in the '80s with Hamilton Project Waitangi. Also involved in CORSO, the Housing Resource Centre, Peace groups and anti racism activities. Recently on the Safer Communities Council, of the Opotiki District Council.
Sue Berman A research officer with the School of Midwifery at Auckland University of Technology.
Gordon Jackman Until 2002, Jackman was chairman of Greenpeace NZ. He took part in the Foreshore and Seabed Hikoi in 2004. Jackman has long led the environmental group, Coromandel Watchdog.
Quentin Jukes A member of the Workers Communist League in the '90s. Active in the People's Network and COMMACT. A long time associate of Sue and Bill Bradford, Jukes runs Homebuilders, an NGO in Warkworth, near the Kotare school.
Noelene Landrigan.
Kay Robin From community action network Oho Ake.
Ngai Tamanuhiri From Manutuke
Tali Williams From Wellington. In 1998 Williams was on the executive of the UNITE union. In 1999 she was active in the National Youth Network with Sue Bradford's daughter, Katie. Williams also spoke at the Women's Conference Against APEC, on Secondary School Students as workers. In September 2000 she was one of eight Wellington students arrested at an anti capitalism protest in Cuba St. In 2002 she spoke at the Activism In Aoteoroa camp on Youth Networking. Williams is an organisor with the Engineers Union in Wellington and a leader of the Youth Union Movement. She has also recently been a member of the Action Plan for Human Rights, Children's Rights Sector Advisory Group."estate professionals related" After searching and calling so many realtors that never returned my calls i finally found Brian.His website has so much useful information on the entire Pikes Peak area.So i thought i would post and let other people know about his site if they were having the same toubles as i was."estate professionals related" He is a true professional