CPUSA Helps US Democrats
All over the western world, traditional Marxist-Leninist parties do their damnedest to influence national elections in favour of the local social democratic, socialist or labour party.
The Socialist Unity Party used to work for Labour victories in NZ (its remnants still do), the Communist Party of Australia helps the ALP, the French Communist Party helps the Socialists.

The very influential, Communist Party USA of course campaigns against the Republicans and for the Democrats. The CPUSA has always had people inside the Democratic Party and has strong influence on the party through the trade union movement. Many leading Democrats owe their careers to the CPUSA.
Here is part of a Communist Party USA National Committee "Call to Action": Oust The GOP In 2006! taken from the party's theoretical journal, Political Affairs of April 2006
"The meeting of the party's national committee at Winston Unity Center issued a "Call to Action" to mobilize a mighty people's upsurge at the polls next Nov. 7 to oust the Republicans from majority control of the House and Senate.
Sam Webb, CPUSA national chair, cited one disaster after another for the Bush-Cheney regime as Bush's standing in the polls has plunged to 34 percent. Webb spoke of the growing anger at home and abroad over the bloody war in Iraq. "Not in a century has U.S. imperialism's standing in the world been at such a low ebb", he said. "Not even during the height of the Vietnam War has the U.S. been so isolated."
A victory over the Republicans next November, he said, will be a "decisive turning point" in the struggle to defend democracy, helping to restore Congress as a counter to Bush"s power grab. And the sharp shift in public opinion against Bush-Cheney and the ultra-right means the Republicans "go into the election with a disadvantage."

"This fight is winnable," Webb said. "The all-people's front is becoming energized. New forces are being drawn into the struggle. It has put a new bounce in our step."
In a slideshow presentation, Joelle Fishman, chair of the CPUSA Political Action Commission, laid out the challenge for the people's movement of securing a net loss for the Republicans of 15 seats in the House and six seats in the Senate, giving the Democrats majority control of Congress.
The Socialist Unity Party used to work for Labour victories in NZ (its remnants still do), the Communist Party of Australia helps the ALP, the French Communist Party helps the Socialists.

The very influential, Communist Party USA of course campaigns against the Republicans and for the Democrats. The CPUSA has always had people inside the Democratic Party and has strong influence on the party through the trade union movement. Many leading Democrats owe their careers to the CPUSA.
Here is part of a Communist Party USA National Committee "Call to Action": Oust The GOP In 2006! taken from the party's theoretical journal, Political Affairs of April 2006
"The meeting of the party's national committee at Winston Unity Center issued a "Call to Action" to mobilize a mighty people's upsurge at the polls next Nov. 7 to oust the Republicans from majority control of the House and Senate.
Sam Webb, CPUSA national chair, cited one disaster after another for the Bush-Cheney regime as Bush's standing in the polls has plunged to 34 percent. Webb spoke of the growing anger at home and abroad over the bloody war in Iraq. "Not in a century has U.S. imperialism's standing in the world been at such a low ebb", he said. "Not even during the height of the Vietnam War has the U.S. been so isolated."
A victory over the Republicans next November, he said, will be a "decisive turning point" in the struggle to defend democracy, helping to restore Congress as a counter to Bush"s power grab. And the sharp shift in public opinion against Bush-Cheney and the ultra-right means the Republicans "go into the election with a disadvantage."

"This fight is winnable," Webb said. "The all-people's front is becoming energized. New forces are being drawn into the struggle. It has put a new bounce in our step."
In a slideshow presentation, Joelle Fishman, chair of the CPUSA Political Action Commission, laid out the challenge for the people's movement of securing a net loss for the Republicans of 15 seats in the House and six seats in the Senate, giving the Democrats majority control of Congress.
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