The crypto-marxists of Democratic Socialists of America/Young Democratic Socialists put all their resources behind Obama's presidential campaign. After all he is their man.
Most of this came through DSA's influence in the trade unions and mass organisations, but they also did a lot of grassroots campaining for Obama-and against McCain.
From the minutes of DSA's September 13/14 2008 National Political Committee meeting.
DSA’s main program focus through the rest of 2008 will consist of (1) working to help ensure the election of Barack Obama and (2) continuing work on the Renegotiate NAFTA petition drive.
Work on the Obama campaign will include:
1) email blasts and other communications issuing from the National Office attacking McCain/Palin and explaining the necessity of voting for Obama,
2) encouraging locals to do DSA-day volunteering en bloc for the Obama campaign,
3) circulating pro-Obama/anti-McCain literature that YDS is developing to nonyouth DSA members,
4) encouraging DSA members to write anti-McCain letters to the editor for their local newspapers, and provide them with sample language and tips on getting published;
5) if YDS organizes volunteer efforts for Obama, especially in swing states, urge them to open their actions to a multi-generational component, and if they agree, inform DSA members of the availability of this option;
6) materials from DSA on reasons to support Obama shall reference the Economic Justice Agenda whenever possible.
Work on the Renegotiate NAFTA campaign will follow the strategy laid out in the Program Committee report to the September 2008 NPC.
Locals and at-large DSA members will be encouraged to work on both campaigns to the extent of their ability, but the Obama campaign will be the priority until the election.
Well at least the socialists got a return on their investment.
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