Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Teanau Tuiono Lands UN Job

Former Prime Minister Helen Clark isn't the only NZ radical stirring up trouble in the United Nations.

Cook Islands Maori, Teanau Tuiono is now working for the indigenous section of the UN in Paris.

Tuiono's home was searched in the 2007 anti terror raids, but no evidence was found.

He was well connected to many of those arrested and has a long history in the anarchist and pro-Zapatista movements.

He was also the main driver of the the campaign to fly the Maori radical flag off Auckland Harbour bridge.

Check out my past posts on Teanau Tuiono here , here , here and here


  1. Charlie8:02 PM

    Will be good to see the Maori Flag flying next to the Pakeha radical flag.

  2. http://www.theatredelaville-paris.com/...

    From the looks of that it seems terror accused tama iti is also in Paris.

  3. Isn't the purpose of a flag to unify?

    Or should we have many flags to represent all cultures who live in NZ? Maori, Celtic, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, English, Scandinavian, Russian, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Samaoan, Tongan, Fijian, ad infinitem

    ...how about 85% flag for non maori and 15% of same flag with maori emblem... since that is what the population stats are...

  4. oh yea and "shut down the UN" & "arrest Al Gore"... pretty please with sugar on top


  5. Anonymous6:22 AM

    No what's idiotic is trying to sound smart using semantics of definitions.
