Activist economist Jeffrey Sachs was once an hero of mine.
Now I regard him as a very dangerous and influential opponent of liberty and national sovereignty.
In the 1990s I was impressed with Sachs, as the then-Harvard professor, toured the world urging former communist and basket case third world economies to adopt free market economic policies.
By the late 1990s I was alarmed. The man I once admired had thrown in with the United Nations.
Jeffrey Sachs is Director of the UN Millennium Project and Special Advisor to United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on the Millennium Development Goals, the internationally agreed goals to reduce extreme poverty, disease and hunger by the year 2015.
He is also the Director of The Earth Institute at Columbia University, where he is also the Quetelet Professor of Sustainable Development and Professor of Health Policy and Management.
All this globalism was bad enough, but by the 2000s, Sachs was hanging out with socialist financier George Soros.
Panelists George Soros, Nouriel Roubini and Jeffrey Sachs at "Can we save the World Economy", October 20, 2008 |
Sachs and Soros have shared many platforms in recent years and Soros' Open Society Institute has funded one of Sachs' African projects to the tune of $50 million.
This sealed it for me though.
In December 2009 Sachs addressed a meeting of the Party of European Socialists in Prague.
He makes it clear that while he still supports "markets", he is in essence a redistributive socialist.
Sachs praises the socialists as "both the heirs and the leaders of the world's most important and most successful political path..."
Sachs goes on to praise the socialists' "strong commitment to universalist ethical principles and fiscal re-distribution..." He is also happy that the socialists have kept "campaign financing as a public commitment, not dominated by private money..."
Sachs also regrets that "in the United States, we do not have a commitment to re-distribution, we have a commitment to low taxes, which are so low, we have enabled a massive underclass to develop..."
Sachs makes it clear that the United States should be the major funder of his globalist vision. He also calls for an international financial transactions tax and a carbon levy - both to rein in capitalism and to finance the West's "commitments" to the world's poor nations.
Sachs calls for a "global fund for health", one for "education" and another for "climate".
The war in Afghanistan, the troubles in Gaza, even Somali piracy can only be ended through "sustainable development".
Sachs ends with a plea to the Party of European Socialists to "make common cause with the progressives of the United States, so that we too, may find a political course back...we too, need to find your wisdom, we need to make common cause in that effort... Your cause is a European cause, but it's also a global cause... I so much admire you for that."
Jeffrey Sachs has basically outlined the Soros agenda. The reduction of the United States to a subservient milking cow for global socialism.
Jeffrey Sachs is undoubtedly a socialist and radical redistributionist. His intelligence, reasonable manner, Soros funding and influential positions make him one very dangerous operator.
How about if we "redistribute" all of George Soros' money leaving him with a "minimun wage" allowance to live on.
ReplyDeleteThen let's abolish tax free foundations and "redistribute" the obscene wealth the super-super rich hid from taxation to the "poor and needy" they are so concerned about.
I wondered how long it would take for Jeffrey Sachs to climb out of the hole he dug for himself in the early '90s with the utter failure of his advice in the former USSR. I found him intriguing when he was consulting with Poland and the former USSR on the transition from a centrally planned economy to a supposedly market one. This was largely accomplished in Poland and the Czech Republic, but clearly it was sabotaged in the former USSR. Now I wonder whether he was part of its failure.