Friday, December 10, 2010

Van Jones Proves He's Still a Revolutionary

From The Blaze

Communist and former Obama "Green Jobs Czar" Van Jones proves he's just as much a revolutionary socialist as ever, at the Facing Race Conference, Chicago, September 28, 2010.
"We can't just leave the Federal Government in the hands of our enemies and expect to make a lot of progress...."


  1. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Van Jones is a peek behind Obama's curtain.

  2. Anonymous5:49 AM

    The "enemy" he speaks of is of course the Constitutional "Posterity", by whom, and for whom this country was founded and to whom it rightfully belongs.

    He is here as a priviledge provided by the 14th Amendment, a "cognatic" citizen adopted into the "host" body politic.

    The country was not founded for him, he was adopted into it after-the-fact and granted "statutory" equality by Congress through the Civil Rights Acts. He is here as a "guest" in the house of the host.

    Even though he has availed himself of this country's generousity and hospitality, he hates our founding principles for not originally including him and is pursuing a vendetta to destroy it, even if he has to go down with it in the end.
