My Money's on the Panther
Which will we see first?

The South Canterbury Panther secretive and black

The South Canterbury Speedster paying the money back.
Thanks to Andrew Falloon and Whale Oil

The South Canterbury Panther secretive and black

The South Canterbury Speedster paying the money back.
Thanks to Andrew Falloon and Whale Oil
Heh, very good.
Ashburton is MID Canterbury though!!
BTW- Sara hasn't got any membership forms, i'll bring along some pamphlets that have them.
Hello Trevor,
I haven't signed into your blog, but I am the person using the New Zeal username over at Unspin and Farrars. I just wanted to say that I have been using this handle for three years at hundreds of sites all round the web. I'm sorry if I have inadvertantly trodden on your identity. If my using it is a problem to you then let me know.
Thanks anon. If you've been using the name for a while, then I haven't got much to complain about.
I just became aware of it a couple of days ago when people brought it to my attention.
It doesn't seem to be causing a problem, though concievably it could.
The choice is yours, just do what you think is best.
Trevor L
maybe its me that's in the w
Thanks, Trevor
So many people brought it up that I thought I'd better check with you.
Best regards from NY! » »
Excellent, love it! »
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