Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Obama File 65 Obama's "Brains Trust"? More From the Institute for Policy Studies

Obama file 64 here

Extreme left, Washington based "think tank" Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) has backed the Obama movement through the New Party in the '90s and Movement for A Democratic Society and Progressives for Obama during the recent election.

Now that they have their favoured son in the White house, IPS plans to turn their radical agenda into legislation affecting every American citizen.

IPS has several "transmission belts" into the Obama administration.

Most important is the more than 80 strong grouping of leftist Democrats, the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC).

IPS and their allies in Democratic Socialists of America established CPC in 1991. Now it forms the largest bloc bloc in the US Congress and CPC members chair the majority of the most powerful Congressional Committees.

CPC co chair Lynn Woolsey, IPS director John Cavanagh, CPC co-founder, long time IPS supporter and House Judiciary committee chair John Conyers, CPC co chair Barbara Lee

Other avenues of influence include the IPS founded and guided peace movement "peak" organisation United for Peace&Justice, Progressive Democrats of America, and the US's two main labor union federations, Change to Win and AFL-CIO.

IPS aims to force its agenda into law, through a two pronged approach-based on the strategy used by communists and socialists to push Roosevelt's administration far to the left during the New Deal era.

A Infiltrate radical policy ideas and "progressive" activists into the Obama camp, through CPC, AFL-CIO and its linked organisation Center for American Progress-which has supplied several key Obama administration personnel, including Energy "Czar" Carol Browner.

IPS has enlisted 70 writers to produce a document "Mandate for Change-Policies and Leadership for 2009 and Beyond", which is designed to provide a policy blueprint for President Obama's administration.

In other words-influence the Obama administration from WITHIN.

B Use its muscle-ACORN, AFL-CIO, DSA, Communist Party USA, Committees of Correspondence for Democracy&Socialism, United for Peace&Justice, Code Pink etc to build a huge "people's movement" to march, strike, occupy and agitate for IPS's agenda. Fill the streets with millions of people all co-ordinated around specific demands.

Pressure the Obama administration from BELOW.

Note the four key IPS demands;

Healthcare-Socialised medicine.

Equality-International and domestic re-distribution of wealth.

Climate Change-Zero US CO2 emissions by 2050-yes "zero"!

Peace-Ending the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Immediate $60 billion cuts to defence spending.

IPS has worked with communists and socialists, both in the US and abroad, since its foundation in 1963. The organisation has enjoyed well documented ties to both the former Soviet Union's KGB and Cuban intelligence services and to the socialist governments of Venezuela and Nicaragua.

IPS stands firmly behind the Obama presidency.

Who stands behind IPS?

Obama file 66 here

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