Glenn Beck Part 5
While much is yet to be revealed Beck deserves great kudos for giving millions of American viewrs some insight into the real Barack Obama and his statist agenda.
Promoting liberty in New Zealand and beyond
posted by Trevor Loudon at
8/31/2009 10:51:00 PM
posted by Trevor Loudon at
8/31/2009 10:39:00 PM
posted by Trevor Loudon at
8/31/2009 04:46:00 PM
posted by Trevor Loudon at
8/29/2009 10:00:00 AM
When the last sixteen STORM members decided to dissolve, each committed as an individual revolutionary to helping this emerging trend continue to consolidate.
Some are building organizations in working class communities of color...Some are promoting revolutionary ideas. Some are developing revolutionary cadre...
Some are finding other ways to serve the people.
The second annual CCDS and Kendra Alexander Foundation Banquet will take place on Sunday, February 19 at the Redwood Gardens community room in Berkeley with Van Jones, a pioneering human rights activist known as a steadfast opponent of police brutality and mass incarceration, as keynote speaker.
Jones is now working to create environmentally friendly, "green-collar" jobs for formerly incarcerated persons.
The banquet is titled "Towards Building a Progressive Majority" and benefits the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism and the Kendra Alexander Foundation. The Foundation was named in honor of the visionary leader of the Committees of Correspondence.
One of the most formative "political education sessions" of this period was a group trip to Cuba in the summer of 1999.
Several STORM members participated in the Venceremos Brigade to see and support one of the world's few surviving socialist states.
Members came back with a heightened understanding of both socialism and capitalism and a stronger commitment to red politics.
Davidson and Tom Hayden take credit for having launched in 1969 the "Venceremos Brigades," which covertly transported hundreds of young Americans to Cuba to help harvest sugar cane and interact with Havana's communist revolutionary leadership. (The Brigades were organized by Fidel Castro's Cuban intelligence agency, which trained "brigadistas" in guerrilla warfare techniques, including the use of arms and explosives.)
The panel featured responses to the "Democracy Charter" by Bill Fletcher, Jr., editor of Black Commentator, Michael Eisenscher of US Labor Against the War, Jacqueline Cabasso from Western States Legal Foundation, Frank del Campo from the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement, and Steve Williams of People Organized to Win Employment Rights. Bill Fletcher, Jr. cast the Charter as a political and social guide for mass struggle."
International guests included Chris Matlhako from the South African Communist Party and Marcos Garcia from the Venezuelan Embassy in DC gave a picture of protracted battles against neo-liberalism and their efforts to build and maintain unity on the left in their countries.
Helmut Scholz, a leader of Die Linke (The Left Party) of Germany, described the unity efforts between groups in East and West Germany that brought together its forerunner, the Party of Democratic Socialism, made up of the former East German Communists, and groupings of Left Social Democrats from the West. Their common task now, he explained, was making sure the burden of the capitalist crisis was not placed on the working class.
Jackeline Rivera, an FMLN deputy to the legislature of El Salvador, was warmly received. She revealed how, in their recent electoral victory, the FMLN saw two left groups break away, and the national unity efforts that followed.
Solidarity messages to CCDS were read ot from Cuba and Vietnam and "The Internationale" was sung.
In 1959, three months after the Cuban Revolution claimed victory, Martinez went to Cuba to witness a successful anti-colonial, socialist struggle. This trip to Cuba had a profound impact on her.''
In addition to Cuba, Martinez later traveled to the Soviet Union, Poland, Hungary, Vietnam (during the war) and China to witness and observe how people were implementing socialism.
DataCenter—an activist library and publication center—is founded in affiliation with the North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) by Jon Frappier, Fred Goff, Loretta & Harry Strharsky and 40 dedicated volunteers.
Establish Corporate Profile Project for clients such as United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations & customized research service for immigration attorneys representing Central Americans seeking political asylum.
Publish press profiles, The Reagan File, on Ronald Reagan and his policies on labor, El Salvador, foreign policy, and military policy in Asia.
Expand Search Service to include corporate accountability research to support community, labor, and corporate campaigns and political asylees from all over the world.
Launch the Cuba Project/Conexiones to respond to information needs of institutions in Cuba & facilitates information exchange between U.S. and Cuban colleagues for the next ten years
posted by Trevor Loudon at
8/27/2009 02:56:00 PM
Not coincidentally, Beck has repeatedly singled out Van Jones for criticism, citing evidence of his communist past. The source of this evidence is New Zealand blogger Trevor Loudon, the same researcher who originally unearthed the fact that Obama's mysterious mentor "Frank" in Obama's book Dreams from My Father was Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis.
We confirmed that identification with a separate source and ran with the story last year, even obtaining the 600-page FBI file on Davis. It also came out that Davis was a sex pervert, doper, and pornographer.
The Obama campaign eventually confirmed Frank's identity but tried to play down his relationship with Obama. Most media gave the scandal a ho-hum.
Trevor Loudon, who deserves far more credit than he gets for smoking out the communists in and around the Obama Administration, broke the Van Jones story back on April 6 and has run several follow-ups. Among other things, he revealed that Jones was a leading member of a Marxist organization known by the acronym STORM, which means Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement. A 96-page history of the organization mentions how several STORM members had traveled to Cuba in the summer of 1999 as part of the Venceremos Brigade. This is the group that was originally sponsored by the Castro regime and the Weather Underground.
To add to the mystery, it turns out that "Van" Jones is not even his real name. His real first name is Anthony; he says he changed it because "Van" sounded cool. Various accounts say that he has been arrested twice.
Aaron Klein of World Net Daily then wrote a story on Jones, citing Loudon's work. Since then, Beck and others have seized on it. Now, some more of this fascinating story can be told. I have been engaged for months in a series of Freedom of Information Act requests with the Obama Administration for information about Jones and how he was hired.
It seems clear that Jones has undergone, with powerful sponsors and benefactors, an extreme makeover. Beck, to his credit, is trying to peel away the protective cover. He needs our support to remain on the air and pursue this story. The trail will most certainly lead beyond Jones himself.
Labels: Communist, Glenn Beck, New Zeal, Van jones
posted by Trevor Loudon at
8/26/2009 10:18:00 PM
posted by Trevor Loudon at
8/26/2009 09:07:00 PM
posted by Trevor Loudon at
8/26/2009 01:32:00 PM
I Trevor Loudon will never vote for the New Zealand National Party, or any National Party candidate, in any future General Election in my lifetime, until the right of parents to responsibly smack their children is legally restored."
posted by Trevor Loudon at
8/25/2009 08:06:00 PM
posted by Trevor Loudon at
8/24/2009 10:58:00 PM
posted by Trevor Loudon at
8/24/2009 10:45:00 PM
posted by Trevor Loudon at
8/21/2009 10:33:00 PM
posted by Trevor Loudon at
8/21/2009 09:58:00 PM
posted by Trevor Loudon at
8/21/2009 09:53:00 PM
posted by Trevor Loudon at
8/21/2009 09:37:00 PM
posted by Trevor Loudon at
8/21/2009 12:12:00 AM
posted by Trevor Loudon at
8/18/2009 08:01:00 PM
posted by Trevor Loudon at
8/18/2009 07:30:00 PM
posted by Trevor Loudon at
8/17/2009 01:33:00 PM
posted by Trevor Loudon at
8/16/2009 10:39:00 AM
posted by Trevor Loudon at
8/15/2009 08:46:00 PM
Ecology, Capitalism, and Socialism from mrzine on Vimeo.
Labels: Greens, John Bellamy Foster, Socialism, watermelon
posted by Trevor Loudon at
8/14/2009 12:58:00 AM
Labels: Hugo Chavez, Socialism, Tyranny, Venezuela
posted by Trevor Loudon at
8/14/2009 12:44:00 AM
posted by Trevor Loudon at
8/13/2009 12:03:00 AM
posted by Trevor Loudon at
8/10/2009 02:55:00 PM
posted by Trevor Loudon at
8/09/2009 01:11:00 AM
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