Patriotic Third Graders Sing "Home of the Brave"
I have posted two other videos from this patriotic class of third-graders earlier this year, "Thankyou, Soldiers" and "There's a Hero on the Way". Watch all three and be inspired.
Promoting liberty in New Zealand and beyond
posted by Admin at
10/30/2010 02:00:00 AM
"More than two centuries ago, we fought a military revolution over the sacred principles of individual liberty and limited government. Siunce then, millions of brave men and women haev sacrificed their very lives to defend them. Sadly, these principles are now under assault by radicals in our own country. The TEA Party movement is nurturing a grass roots political uprising to retake America from the radicals in Washington."
"I was not eager to read We've Been Had. That was simply because I had grown very weary of its subject matter, one Barack Obama. I am so glad that I overcame my initial resistance and read this excellent book... It is comprehensively researched, masterfully organized, fluently written, and pleasantly free of shrillness. I had feared a rant, but on the whole, the book is written in a comfortable, almost conversational tone... We've Been Had is an amazingly breezy read for an encyclopedic study (76 pages of endnotes in support of about 270 pages of text) of the President of the United States and the various influences that have shaped his character and values."
posted by Admin at
10/29/2010 11:58:00 PM
posted by Admin at
10/29/2010 07:53:00 PM
"Obama has done some good things as president. Most of us don't notice those things because he has done them under the radar. They don't get public attention. He's used executive orders for example, to fund the enforcement of workplace safety inspections by the Labor Department, or to fund environmental protection enforcement. His stimulus bill... you know, and the sort of cloud of emergency. The stimulus bill was in fact redistributive. It took, for example, the TANF program which was the program that sort of symbolized the elimination of welfare in the United States, and it gave 5 billion dollars to TANF on condition that the states spend money on TANF; let people get welfare, and of course it put money in food stamps and unemployment insurance as well. He has made appointments. Usually below the radar screen to the Federal bureaucracy, that the Bush Administration decimated. I mean they're a bunch of hacks, in the Justice Department, in the voting rights division, wherever you looked, they put in their cronies. And the Obama Administration, concerned as they are with merit education and so forth, they began to restaff Federal bureaucracy. That's good, compared to what was." (31:45 - 33:50 minutes)
"The Obama Administration has done some good things compared to the administrations that we've had for a very long time." (35:50 - 36:10 minutes)
posted by Admin at
10/29/2010 07:43:00 PM
posted by Admin at
10/29/2010 01:02:00 PM
posted by Trevor Loudon at
10/29/2010 01:00:00 PM
posted by Admin at
10/28/2010 01:47:00 PM
posted by Admin at
10/27/2010 11:41:00 PM
Labels: Leon Weinstein
posted by Admin at
10/27/2010 04:15:00 PM
posted by Trevor Loudon at
10/27/2010 02:37:00 PM
posted by Admin at
10/26/2010 03:57:00 PM
posted by Admin at
10/26/2010 01:05:00 PM
posted by Admin at
10/26/2010 01:03:00 PM
posted by Trevor Loudon at
10/25/2010 03:46:00 PM
posted by Trevor Loudon at
10/25/2010 02:38:00 PM
"After November we'll have a good legislature that will listen. This is the kind of material our taxpayer dollars shouldn't be supporting," said Clark.
"The last time I tried to defund them, their budget was $666,000," Burton told WND. "That number was quite a joke in the Indiana House."
"I went down to that place and toured it. It's just a pit. It's just a porno pit. They've got rooms where they take the college students in and show them pornography and do things to them. It's just disgusting; and they sit there and try to tell you it's just science.
"They perform sex," Burton explained. "They have a room and they send a girl in and insert a thing in her and measure her sexual stimulation. They have another room for boys. They have displays of all the sex toys throughout history, and they act like that's OK. I said this is trash, and they resented my saying it."
Burton noted that much of the Kinsey collection of sexual paraphernalia and research files are not open to the public – not even to the state legislators who fund it.
"I was trying to get a legislative order to go in and see that stuff. A video was sent to me about this guy on the Kinsey Institute board, who said they have a system set up to destroy their files immediately if anybody tries to get in to see it with a court order."
posted by Trevor Loudon at
10/22/2010 11:34:00 AM
posted by Trevor Loudon at
10/22/2010 09:58:00 AM
posted by Admin at
10/21/2010 04:57:00 PM
Labels: Islam
posted by Admin at
10/21/2010 02:58:00 PM
"No group was better at kicking ass than ACORN. That’s the story that John Atlas tells in his fascinating new book... Seeds of Change is full of fascinating people, colorful anecdotes, and political drama, but it is really a story about the hard but hopeful work of bringing about progressive change...
Atlas also reports on ACORN’s cunning “homesteading” campaign in Philadelphia in the 1970s that involved members illegally taking over blocks of abandoned housing in order to pressure local officials to direct funding for repairs and rehabilitation. He describes ACORN’s bold and successful campaign to pass a statewide referendum in November 2004 to raise Florida’s minimum wage by a dollar an hour...
Atlas devotes a chapter of Seeds of Change to the ACORN-affiliated Working Families Party, which has groomed activists to run for city and state offices in New York, helped them win elections, and played an important role in building a progressive coalition with labor unions and other groups.
Atlas, like ACORN’s leaders, expected Obama’s victory in 2008 to give the organization even greater influence. But during the campaign, and soon after Obama took office, ACORN became the target of a right-wing assault that it was unprepared for and, ultimately, unable to survive. Atlas reports on what he describes as the “tragedy” of ACORN’s downfall...
Atlas’s history of ACORN is sympathetic to the controversial group, but does not shy away from exposing its weaknesses, clashes over strategy, internal power struggles, tensions between white Ivy League organizers and a membership of mostly blacks and Latinos, as well as ACORN’s trouble with staff turnover...
Although Atlas recounts ACORN’s rise and fall, Seeds of Change does not end on a downer note. Atlas shows how, over the years, ACORN has been a real school for democracy, training thousands of activists who, even after leaving ACORN, continued to work as effective organizers for hundreds of community groups, unions, environmental organizations, and other public interest groups. Many ACORN veterans worked as key staff for elected officials and some became successful politicians themselves. Atlas also notes that ACORN’s willingness to experiment with different strategies and approaches has changed the field of organizing in numerous ways."
posted by Admin at
10/19/2010 04:43:00 PM
posted by Trevor Loudon at
10/19/2010 04:08:00 PM
"So Trevor, have you ever met Gandalf? Do you have socialized medicine in Middle Earth?"The three runners-up were:
posted by Admin at
10/19/2010 02:24:00 PM
posted by Admin at
10/19/2010 02:12:00 PM
Labels: Leon Weinstein
posted by Trevor Loudon at
10/18/2010 08:15:00 PM
Waters entered Congress in 1991 and soon became a member of the far left Congressional Progressive Caucus.
Waters has also been a prominent anti War activist and has chaired the Out of Iraq Caucus.
Through her early days in Congress, Waters maintained close ties to her Party friends.
posted by Trevor Loudon at
10/18/2010 02:10:00 PM
posted by Trevor Loudon at
10/18/2010 11:56:00 AM
posted by Trevor Loudon at
10/17/2010 10:48:00 PM
posted by Trevor Loudon at
10/17/2010 10:47:00 PM
posted by Trevor Loudon at
10/16/2010 10:48:00 PM
posted by Trevor Loudon at
10/16/2010 07:35:00 PM
posted by Trevor Loudon at
10/15/2010 11:20:00 PM
posted by Trevor Loudon at
10/15/2010 03:48:00 PM
posted by Trevor Loudon at
10/14/2010 10:53:00 PM
"Its good to know that a lot of my Michigan and Detroit and Grosse Point people are here. David Green, and Dave and Herman and probably others."David Green is a leader of both Michigan and national D.S.A. Green visited Cuba in 2009 and proved his marxism with this statement in the Spring 2007 issue of D.S.A.'s Democratic Left.
"What distinguishes socialists from other progressives is the theory of surplus value. According to Marx, the secret of surplus value is that workers are a source of more value than they receive in wages. The capitalist is able to capture surplus value through his ownership of the means of production, his right to purchase labor as a commodity, his control over the production process, and his ownership of the final product. Surplus value is the measure of capital’s exploitation of laborThis is one of John Conyers' "people". Coincidentally Conyers is also a big fan of the EFCA.
Our goal as socialists is to abolish private ownership of the means of production. Our immediate task is to limit the capitalist class’s prerogatives in the workplace...
In the short run we must at least minimize the degree of exploitation of workers by capitalists. We can accomplish this by promoting full employment policies, passing local living wage laws, but most of all by increasing the union movement’s power...
The Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) provides an excellent organizing tool (i.e., tactic) through which we can pursue our socialist strategy while simultaneously engaging the broader electorate on an issue of economic populism.
"This is an important event, that we don't doubt will be played down and misinterpreted by the corporate media...We understand the significance of it. We know that when unions, political ideology, clergy, labor, civil rights come together... and just people that are progressive enough to see in this one World concept, that we're all in this together, it makes certain things easy to understand where we're coming from."At 2:25 minutes, Conyers talks about "peace" and Dennis Kucinich.
"Overriding it all is the quest for peace in the world...and I am firmly supporting Congressman Dennis Kucinich's measure that would make a Department of Peace in the United States Federal government." (applause)John Conyers was once an affiliate of the Soviet front World Peace Council. Like Kucinich, Conyers also has a long history with the Communist Party USA, which has consistently advocated such measures.
"I respect him, I support him... I say that all against the backdrop, of the fact that in 2012, there is a highly organized effort to make sure that he is a one term president.At 6.10 minutes Conyers goes on to deal with how those assembled need to help Obama.
This started even before he was sworn in. It's grown... I only mention the Tea Party, because it is small and dismissible, but there are much more serious and affluent sources behind this effort to interfere with a re-election campaign of Obama... I've got to ensure he is re-elected 2 years from now. That calls for some balancing, but not a whole lot from where I stand."
"I see that us making him more cooperative with our plans is going to strengthen him and not weaken him... (applause) And to have this press secretary of his denouncing the left is an automatically dismissible act, if I were president...D.S.A. has tried to publicly distance itself from Obama in recent times, though they have a twenty seven year history with the President. Even Conyers has publicly criticized the President.
The whole point is that, trashing progressives and the left, and at the same time watching your ratings go down - gee... what's so difficult about figuring that out?... Whose job do you think it is to get him straightened out and get him on the right track? Ours! Ours!" (applause)
posted by Trevor Loudon at
10/14/2010 01:05:00 PM
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